Friday, July 3, 2009

A Sunday in Siena

Greenery races by
And joyful surprises appear
Of yellow and red houses.
Rain soothes my heart,
My mind is at peace.
Hills of Tuscany surround
The road is a smooth ride.
A beautiful Sunday morning,
Driving along the west of Italy.
Storm clouds are passing
A sunny day awaits,
In wonderful Siena.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


The synagogue in Florence was truly amazing. We first stood outside listening to some history. Across the street, there stood the great synagogue, like it was just waiting for us. With its huge turquoise dome and long cobblestone path surrounded by grass and trees, the synagogue was really able to stand out. Inside, it was decorated so intricately I can't even begin to explain how awesome it looked. I did not feel as though I was in a church, as some people felt. Instead, I felt like I truly belonged. The grandness of the building helped show how the Jews of Florence really appreciated being Jews and how they had a love for their religion. They wanted to show it off by building such a magnificent synagogue, and they were not embarrassed about being Jewish. It showed how they were excited to serve G-d and wanted to do so through something beautiful.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Shabbos was truly an amazing experience! Friday night we ate with a French group that was also visiting Florence. The Friday night table was full of different costomes. It was amazing to see all the different types of Jews coming together for the common Mitzvah of Shabbos. Everyone was so welcoming to all the differnet types of costomes that the table was beautiful with every differnt type of ritual.